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We are proud to have provided seed funding to see the Trauma Recovery Centre established, and we continue to partner with & provide the building in Bath which houses their therapeutic play centre and staff offices. Our Senior Pastor Betsy also founded the TRC, and we continue to support the work of this incredible charity, alongside other churches across the UK. We have given over £400,000 to help run this much needed charity.
Trauma Informed Churches is an initiative set up by a group of us at Sound Church. The mission is to equip churches to enable traumatised children to feel safe and be understood in churches. Trauma Informed Churches seeks to inform, educate and equip churches as they support families with traumatised children.
Compassion come alongside a local church, and together, bring hope and lasting change to a child in poverty. As a church we’ve partnered with Compassion UK to support projects in an area near Nairobi, Kenya.
Rebuild Leaders runs retreat opportunities for senior leaders of churches & charities and their families. They specialise in restoration, repair & rebuilding leaders who are exhausted, in transition, or in crisis!
Sound Church supports the RUH Bath, by funding and providing a Hospital Chaplain one or two days a week, depending on the level of need each week. We know that being able to ask for prayer and support when you are in crisis is a powerful thing & we love being able to support the brilliant work of the Hospital.
Hospital Chaplaincy at the RUH
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