Community impact
‘And what does the Lord require of you except to be just,
and to love and to diligently practice kindness (compassion),
And to walk humbly with your God‘
Micah 6:8

The Uniform Cupboard
We receive good quality donations of second hand or new school uniform and have distributed hundreds of items of uniform to those who need it in the community. If you want to donate or would like support - email thecupboard@ or message us on Facebook of what is needed, including shoes and school accessories, and we will sort a bag of school uniform for you!

Food Bank
As a Church we run a food bank for those who need that extra support to eat in the week. If you would like to donate to the food bank, please bring in donations to the Cafe on Sunday morning! Thank you for your generosity.

The Wardrobe
The Wardrobe is a project that provides ball (or prom) outfits for young people! We know how important it is to celebrate our young people and we have prom dresses and suits for those who need them and work with secondary schools across the UK.

Young Carers Day
Every year, we love to bless the community with day of fun, games, craft and refreshments as we celebrate Young Carers families all around BANES! If you want to help out, we'll invite volunteers to come and help during the weeks leading up to the event in our services!

Frontline Professionals Banquet
We host Thank you banquets for front line professionals to serve and thank them for changing lives and serving our cities. We are so grateful for their service and if you want to help out, we'll invite volunteers to come and help during the weeks leading up to the event in our services!
Hampers of gifts are put together to bless young carers during the Summer and Christmas holidays. Every year, bags filled with games, toys, crafts for the children, as well as chocolates are organised so every parent is able to provide for their child at Christmas and during the summer.

Grief Cafe
We host the Grief cafe every other month to create space for people to come and reflect and honour those they have lost. Led by an experienced team, head to the events page to see when the next one is.

Hospital Chaplaincy at the RUH
Sound Church supports the RUH Bath, by funding and providing a Hospital Chaplain one or two days a week, depending on the level of need each week. We know that being able to ask for prayer and support when you are in crisis is a powerful thing & we love being able to support the brilliant work of the Hospital.